Tony Green – Paravail, 2000 In this book Tony Green transports his readers to a unique seventeenth century world where he provides original insights into Poussin’s paintings, drawings and letters, along with perspective interpretations of the figures, symbols and hieroglyphs that the artist uses in his work. The two sets of seven paintings of the … Continue reading Poussin Paints the Seven Sacraments Twice
Tag: seven sacraments
Paul Fréart de Chantelou (1609-1694) – Right hand man of a secretary of state to Louis XIII
The first Parisian friend of a well-known Poussin Secretary of Sublet de Noyers, Paul Fréart de Chantelou could have been the first to have discovered Poussin and it is thanks to him that la Manne was made and then sent to Paris in 1639. Sent to Rome to bring Poussin to France, he took care … Continue reading Paul Fréart de Chantelou (1609-1694) – Right hand man of a secretary of state to Louis XIII
Cassiano Dal Pozzo (1588-1657) – Secretary of Cardinal Barberini
An enlightened patron, Poussin’s first protector Secretary of Cardinal Francesco Barberini, the Cavalier Dal Pozzo launched Poussin’s arrival in Rome with the responsibility of the altarpiece of the Martyrdom of Saint Erasmus (Vatican Museum) destined for Saint-Pierre. Fascinated by antiquity, at the head of a group of art lovers, he led a team of artists, … Continue reading Cassiano Dal Pozzo (1588-1657) – Secretary of Cardinal Barberini